See Data Differently

The outbreak of COVID-19 has transformed the way we all go about our daily lives.


In a world that's now continually updated on the number of cases and deaths caused by the Coronavirus, we embarked on a project to help put this information into context, and allow

people to see the impact of the

pandemic differently.

The Power of Data

In collaboration with Information is Beautiful and Nueker, we developed a collection of interactive

data visualisations as part of the COVID-19 #Coronavirus Data Pack.


Interactive Data Dashboard

The COVID-19 #Coronavirus Data Dashboard collates data from John Hopkins University, showing the top infected countries across the world and allows people to compare how

different countries are coping

with the pandemic. 





Global Vaccinations Tracker

We've recently added the COVID-19 Global Vaccinations Tracker, updating daily to show

the top vaccinated countries and total

vaccinations across the world.