All eyes on you.

Century Tech needed to overhaul their website in time for their appearance at the worlds largest education conference BETT.


We had only 3-weeks to deliver results.

Traffic spike.

They expected a spike in web traffic but had little confidence in their websites ability to communicate their product and to convert traffic into leads.

Not so fast.

Through our bespoke UX audit, we found that it took too long to show the product and tried to communicate too much information too quickly.


We started designing clearer layouts and navigation, new visuals swiftly demonstrating software features, along with brisk copywriting.

68% less bouncy.

The newly designed pages delivered a 68% decrease in bounce rates and 340% more leads through a new nifty and more straightforward enquiry form.


This 3-week break-neck speed project left Century Tech feeling confident at their event, racking up a tremendous amount of leads through this new website reskin.

Let me see.

Century Tech's learning platform is an amazing example of what Artificial Intellgence can do, we were stunned when we were walked through it in our workshop because it was nowhere to be seen on the website!


The previous website had a lengthy form for booking a screen share demo. After seeing the short attention spans in the analytics, we put together simple icons and videos to demonstrate to teachers what the software can do.