
In November 2018 German-based Biomedical research cell supplier PromoCell, called on us to rescue their newly launched e-commerce website.

Care package.

To ensure the shop was open for business 24/7 the priority was to bring the website under our wing, giving it hardened and scalable servers, enterprise-level caching and a service level agreement.

Research led design.

Next, we installed our user experience tracking software and conducted a full audit of the website. We came up with a prioritised list of improvements to increase eCommerce sales.


Among the UX issues we identified, we found that users were finding it difficult to find what they are looking for - often searching via product codes that the site's search could not understand.


We designed a new advanced search experience that auto-detected search intent and among other improvements could autocomplete product codes.


Apart from ensuring systems run optimally 24/7, we have a program of gradual enhancements through our digital strategy team to ensure online sales are growing, another secret enhancement is currently cooking and we hope to push that very soon!