The Lancet.

The Lancet Countdown: Tracking Progress on Health and Climate Change, monitors the impact of climate change on human health, through an extensive report which is published annually

in The Lancet.



120 Experts.

 The report brings together the work of 120

experts, including doctors, climatologists, and biologists, focusing on 41 key indicators such 

as health, extreme weather events, and

air pollution.

A Powerful New Website.

In 2019, we partnered with the Lancet Countdown to deliver a powerful new website communicating the findings from the report in a way that effectively engaged with their varied audience of health professionals, policymakers, and the

general public.

Bespoke Data Platform.

We brought complex data to life through a

bespoke data platform, integrating with Flourish to display 41 data visualisations, transforming the

report's complicated data into memorable

and compelling stories.



As part of the data platform, we created 5 infographics representing the main indicators within the report, allowing the Lancet's audience to interpret valuable information quickly. 

Video Production.

Our team produced an animated video presenting the key findings from the report, translating complex stats into meaningful and memorable information that engaged with the Lancet Countdown's varied audience.